Top Seller Earning $38,000 Per Month Tells Her Secret to Fiverr

Top Rated Seller on Fiverr, Charmaine Pocek, earns between $38,000-$48,000 per month writing resumes and cover letters.

Secret to Fiverr

Charmain Pocek went from earning $5 per gig to $38,000 per month and advises her secret to Fiverr is all down to patience and providing excellent customer service. I was so inspired to read about Charmaine last year and this particular story is now my own benchmark for working on Fiverr.

I quit my job two years ago to work as a freelance content writer. The truth is, I had no clients at that time and little idea about industry itself.

However, I was quite lucky with the timing, which seemed to coincide with an explosive period for both freelancing and my favourite platform – Fiverr.

Charmaine Pocek and the “Secret to Fiverr”

In case you might not know, Fiverr is a marketplace where small businesses can hire professional services on the cheap. At the start, I was working on Fiverr for $5 per gig but in the two years that followed, these prices were expanded so that freelancers could up their rates. In short, what was once a fun or novelty website was now a market for professional businesses.

Anyway, Fiverr is really flying as of late and it reminded me of a story on Forbes last year. The article was about a Top Seller on Fiverr named Charmaine Pocek who went from $5 per gig to $38,000 per month. I was also pleased to hear what she credited as her secret to Fiverr.

Secret to Fiverr

When Charmaine began using Fiverr, she was working as a recruiter and saving up for adoption. She was writing $5 resumes and intrigued by her initial sales.

It was tough in the beginning but Charmaine slowly increased her sales. Then she branched out into other areas such as career counselling and cover letters. Charmaine also took courses on the side to justify the prices she was charging.

Two years later, Charmaine Pocek was earning $15,000 per month. The following year, Charmaine was earning more than $100,000 per annum. And in the year 2015, this figure was at $320,000!

And the Secret to Fiverr?

Charmain loves the freedom that comes with working on Fiverr and attributes her huge success to the excellent customer service she provides. That’s right, the secret to Fiverr requires absolutely no skill or special talent!

If you’re like me, you can only dream of these kind of figures right now. But at the same time, I completely agree with Charmaine, for my own success on Fiverr is mostly down to my continued focus on providing an excellent customer service experience.

Are you on Fiverr? Let me know about your experience in the comments!


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